Friday, 16 September 2011

Latest Knits

Been feeling quite sorry for myself just shoulder has been playing up again so not had much knitting time which I find very frustrating to say the least!

I opened a Folksy shop earlier in the year but have been a little neglectful of it lately so I thought I would list a few small items that I have managed to complete over the last couple of weeks.

I so love this damson pink yarn and it works so well with cream.

Crofter socks - this yarn is so lovely to knit with and it is great to see patterns emerge as you knit.

Another yarn which I love to knit with is this Magi-Knit from James C Brett

If you fancy taking a peek around my shop you can find it here: Tipeetoes Folksy Shop

1 comment:

  1. Such wonderful knits !! I love the colours.
    I will hop on over to your shop to have a look.
    Have a great day.
